The power of Repetitive Chewing

Repetitive chewing is the key to rid yourself of obesity. Repetitive chewing is not a mundane, repetitive, boring action. Chewing food well is a simple task, and you will be surprised to know we are changing the chemistry of the mass of food in the mouth. You see, all foods in farms, supermarkets, restaurants, in the fridge, and the meals you ate today, all the foods have a pH of below seven, i.e. the acidic camp. By utilising the built-in mechanism, repetitive chewing, the mass of food undergoing mastication will gradually raise the pH to above 7. Why is it important to do so? Nature has been telling us to only swallow food in an alkaline state from day 1! How am I sure? Look at newborns and the first meal provided by nature: Breast Milk! Breast milk is the only naturally occurring food for human consumption with a pH above seven. What to do if all foods around us have a pH below seven? Nature again provided us with the ability to raise the pH of any food through mastication, repetitive mastication, or repetitive chewing.
The saliva produced is alkaline. Repetitive chewing eventually rids the mass of food of all acidity and becomes alkaline. Any food chewed well becomes an alkaline meal! Perform a web search on raw and cooked food pH; they all have a pH below seven.

Welcome to my blog, where I share my secrets to a healthy and happy life. Today, I want to talk to you about repetitive chewing, a simple but powerful habit that can transform your health and well-being. Yes, you heard me right. Repetitive chewing is not just a way to enjoy your food better but also a way to alkalize your body and prevent obesity. Let me explain how this works.

You may have heard of the pH scale, which measures how acidic or alkaline something is. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with seven being neutral. Anything below 7 is acidic, and anything above 7 is alkaline. Our body needs a balanced pH to function properly and avoid diseases. Ideally, our blood should have a pH of around 7.4, which is slightly alkaline.

However, most of the foods we eat today are acidic in nature. Processed foods, meat, dairy, sugar, coffee, alcohol, and some fruits and vegetables have a low pH. When we eat these foods, our body has to work hard to neutralize the excess acidity and maintain a healthy pH balance. This can cause inflammation, fatigue, weight gain, and other health problems.

So, how can we alkalize our bodies and improve our health? One way is to chew our food well.

Chewing is not just a mechanical process of breaking down food into smaller pieces. It is also a chemical process of mixing food with saliva. Saliva is not just an alkaline fluid that helps digest carbohydrates and neutralize acids in food; when we chew our food well, we expose it to more saliva and increase its alkalinity.

By chewing our food well, we also help our stomach and intestines digest it better. This means less gas, bloating, indigestion, and constipation. It also means better absorption of nutrients and less waste.

So how much should we chew our food? There is no definitive answer to this question, as different foods require different amounts of chewing and bite-size! However, a general rule of thumb is to chew each bite until it becomes liquid or loses its texture. This can take anywhere from 40 to 50 chews per bite.

It may seem like a lot of work if you are not used to chewing your food well. But trust me, it is worth it. You will soon notice the benefits of repetitive chewing on your health, happiness and weight line.
The beauty of the repetitive chewing method is that you don’t need to omit certain foods in quantities.
I hope you enjoyed this blog post and learned something new today. If you want to know more about repetitive chewing or other healthy habits, please subscribe to my blog and leave a comment below. I would love to hear from you.

Until next time,


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